Meet Nakeya Fields, Mental Health Advocate, Mother, and CEO
Tell us about yourself and the work that you do?
As a licensed mental health professional I have a passion for community building. Empowering women, children, and families to be happy, healthy, and well by establishing self care routines is something I strive for. I encourage members of my community to take time for yourself especially when you are not feeling your best. Our organization provides mental health services such as individual, group and family therapy. We also have restorative yoga, doula, and several outreach events.
Give us a little insight about your journey that got you where you are today.
Being raised by a single teen mother drove me to want better for those in similar situations. Although we were not in an ideal situation, my mother and I were lucky to have a community of strong willed women who worked as a team. As I got older I realized that every member of our circle took on a role as either cook, diver, nurse ect. to make sure everyone was taken care of. I want to provide that same kind of support and safe space for others, that’s why I started my organization.
Can you tell us about some success stories you've had with your business/product or anything of which you are extremely proud?
When we first started the organization, I had a six year old client who grew up in a home with domestic violence. She was a selective mute with severe separation anxiety which caused her to do poorly in school. Once she became my client, she was able to slowly learn how to express herself creatively and learn how to build trusting relationships. This client holds a special place in my heart. Our organization has been able to help over 500 individuals with similar backgrounds through play therapy. Being able to creatively express yourself through other mediums is what we strive to teach others each day.
What is one motivational quote that has inspired you in your journey? Do you have any advice for other women who are working towards starting their own business?
Two quotes that continue to inspire me each day are “be the change you want to see in the world” and “never take No for an answer.” I think these two quotes work hand in hand. I started my organization because I wanted better for those who were in tough situations. I want to teach others that we don't have to just accept being unhappy. Also, starting an organization from the ground up comes with its own set of challenges. I have gotten countless “no’s” but I always try my hardest to turn it into an “absolutely.” I think it's extremely important to have a true passion for your business, not just the idea that comes with it. Hardwork and determination are key to being successful.
Why do you think it is important for women to support each other, especially in your field of work? How do you or your company help combat systems and policies that exist to keep women marginalized?
The mental health field in particular is not only women dominated but it isn't the most appreciated health specialty. There is a negative stigma with our field so it is imperative that we stick together. Women are the matriarch of the family and I think it is important that we empower the decision makers to keep pushing.
What are some ways you practice self care and how does it help you in your life and career? Do you have any tips for other women to stay balanced?
It is so important to take time each day for self-care. Yoga, walking, and art are the outlets I use to maintain my sanity. We have to nurture our bodies because it is literally what keeps us going. I always suggest incorporating self-care into your daily routine so it becomes second nature. For example, invest in a yoga studio so you have accountability to show up to each class. This way you will also allow yourself to find a community of support.
What are some long term goals you have for yourself or your business?
Of course I want to empower as many families towards wellness as possible. To do this, I want to get more individuals involved in the mental health workforce--particularly providers of color. We have to continue to lower the negative stigma behind people of color needing and accepting mental health care.
Is there anything else you want people to know about you, your business, or any projects you are working on?
We have several amazing services available both in house and as outreach events. Our Mommy Matters program is a service used to strengthen families through holistic community care. Expecting mothers and/or mothers with children ages 0-5 are welcome to get therapy, early childhood education, acupuncture and much more! The Wellness Conversation Series is a monthly event we hold with topics circulating empowering the black family. We want to increase awareness of healthy coping strategies!
How can people find you or your business on social media and online?
Find us on Instagram @TheFeelWellCoach @TherapeuticPlayFoundation @BlackMentalHealthTaskForce