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Meet Dr. Tamsin Astor: Your Chief Habit Scientist

Tamsin Astor has done it all. From maneuvering through the worlds of academia to motherhood and everything in between, Astor has learned the art of managing different lifestyles and relating to others from different multifaceted backgrounds. She has a PhD in neuroscience and psychology and a post doctorate in education. Since deciding to move past the world of academia, she has gotten a certification in yoga, written a book on habits and health, and started her own coaching business.

Tamsin has been through many unexpected hardships that have landed her where she is today. Her two-year-old son battled cancer, her cousin lost his fight with leukemia, and her husband walked out on her. These immense struggles made Tamsin realize what was truly important and what to put first in her life in order to maintain her mental and physical health. When looking for solutions for what she was struggling with, she began to combine Eastern and Western approaches to habits, mindset, and life in general. This led to what is now Yoga Branded LLC, her company in which she strives to support others to create intentional habits.

Through coaching and speaking, Tamsin empowers people, mainly women, “to create connections between their daily habits and their life vision so they have time for what they want to do, time for what they need to do and time for fun,” she remarks. As a “Chief Habit Scientist,” Tamsin helps busy people create a healthy balance between professional and personal habits. She gives talks, hosts workshops, and individual and group sessions.

When asked what the most important aspects of her work are, Tamsin explained, “One of the things I discovered as I was doing this work was that women often fall into a path that does not feel is really [their true self], and they feel stuck. So, one of the things that is really important is to really know yourself and live from a place of your ideal self rather than your ‘ought’ self, because we often get stuck in this place [of thinking this is what my life] should look like, this is what I ‘ought’ to be doing… One of the things that I often see with women when they start working with me, is that they’re not even sure what they want in life initially… So what is the vision that you have for your life and how can you then create healthy, intentional actions, behavior, mindset tips, to keep you on that path so that you’re not always in a reactive mode.”

Moving forward, Tamsin will continue her entrepreneurial efforts by supporting groups through the powerful transition of articulating their life visions with their daily habits, with a strong focus on mindset, and launching a podcast.

Ms. Astor relayed a final sentiment in a recent interview: “The most important thing I want to say to people is that you have the power. If you take radical responsibility for how you show up you can create the life of your dreams. But you have to be willing to stop, slow down, look at what you’re doing, look at what’s not working, look at the people you’re surrounding yourself with, look at the way you’re thinking about yourself, and then step into a place of action.”

You can schedule a call or training session, or purchase Tamsin’s book Force of Habit on her website


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