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Joyce Johnson Announces Release of Her Seventh Book, a Memoir

Book Details Her Personal Journey in Corporate America as a Black Woman, Often the First and Only BIPOC Woman in the Room

Houston, Texas – 6X Author, Speaker, Sales Influencer, Business Coach and Founder of Why Sales Network, Joyce Johnson is writing her seventh book, “No Back Doors for Me.” Johnson, known for being an advocate for college students and helping with their personal development, is a native of Galveston Texas and currently resides in Houston. “No Back Doors for Me” is the story of her life in Corporate America as an African American Woman, often the first and only female or person of color in the room. The story begins at the end of her career in 2019 then goes back to her teenage years breaking color barriers in high school after attending an all Black elementary school, George Washington Carver in Galveston.

The book title was formed from a story her mother once shared about a Mexican food restaurant in Galveston that she loved, but they would only serve Blacks through the back door. After she gave birth to her daughter, Johnson’s mother had enough and decided not to go there anymore. “I took that story very literally as a young girl,” says Johnson, “I decided there will be “No Back Doors for Me!”

Joyce Johnson recently completed a Diversity and Inclusion certificate program offered by Cornell University. She registered specifically to better address the requests from various companies to assist them with building diversity and inclusion programs. “A corporate volunteer supporting employee resource groups, I have led through my heart and am sure to always incorporate what I consider common sense and respect for others. I enrolled in the program to gain fundamental insight and confirmation that I was doing the right things,” Johnson says.

Per Johnson, the experience led her through an emotional whirlwind of thoughts and feelings of pain she didn’t realize she was harboring. Realizing her own personal challenges of corporate discrimination and helping others through theirs caused trauma.

“It took a burst of tears while completing a homework assignment, laying down for a nap and literally getting out of bed three days later to realize the impact that racism and sexism had on my life,” says Johnson.

Johnson pulls confidence and inspiration from “The Memo” by Minda Harts which she says confirmed her inner permission to write this book in complete truth. Admitting it may tick off a few of her previous corporate leaders, “while listening to Minda read her book, I felt like I was speaking while using the tone of someone else’s voice. I can’t recall the last time a book made me feel this way. It is raw. It is real. I hope people feel the same freedom after reading my book.”

This year the author launched another business brand, Why Sales Network, to continue her work as an influencer and coach, developing tools and resources for sales professionals, college students, and companies through various learning opportunities; including, podcasts, webinars, personal coaching and conferences. “After more than 20 years as a sales professional, four industries, ten vertical markets, two deregulations and founding three businesses, I finally asked myself, ‘What does the world need from me? How can I educate and influence others on their path to leading a fulfilled life?’ Why Sales Network is the key to expanding my reach to help as many people as possible. I don’t promise a perfect journey, but an honest and rewarding one.” Why Sales Network looks to companies to join their one-year membership program to support the annual Sales conference. This year’s summit was scheduled for Bimini Island, The Bahamas until the COVID pandemic hit the world and challenged her team to pivot by creating a virtual program. The Why Sales Network team is planning a dual (in person and virtual) program for 2021 participants for both the Sales and Student conferences.

The author’s latest work, while still in process, will be used as a tool to heal. Johnson is kicking off an accompanying podcast segment to her Let’s Talk About It brand, adding the hashtag #ThursdayTherapy to air on her Youtube and LinkedIn platforms to discuss her experiences as well as tools and tactics to win, thrive or survive in corporate as a person that looks like her.

Johnson says she wants to free African American women from feeling the sense of failure or pain that evolves from the constant impact of -ism’s throughout their careers. Joyce Johnson has provided an outlet for the women in her circles to voice their frustration and a support system to help them move past it. “Together we discuss our frustrations, pain, doubt, uncertainty and fear about their careers and how to survive the pandemic and lost jobs and heightened racism that has come with this era,” says Johnson.

Above all, she hopes that this book will provide insight, tactics, inspiration for women like her to push through these challenges:

“I hope they find their strength as I have found mine and grow with their wins. `Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning, Psalm 30:5’. “No Back Doors for Me” is my passage to Joy!"

The book will be released January 15th, 2021, the founding day of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and the birthday of Martin Luther King Junior.


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